Jotmans Hall Primary School

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Children in Need

On Friday 15th November we will be having an ‘Inspire Me’ dress up day to help raise funds for Children in Need. Children are invited to come to school dressed as a person or character that inspires them. We encourage our older children to think of 3 reasons about why that person or character is inspirational to them. We understand that fancy dress isn’t for everyone and so are very happy for children to also come in non-uniform.


We ask for a voluntary donation of £1 per child to help raise money for the appeal. Our staff will be judging the children’s fancy dress and prizes will be awarded for the ‘most creative’ and ‘funniest’ costume in each phase of the school as well as Pudsey Choice prizes for each class.


The Little  People, Big dreams series of books introduces children around the world to a diverse range of inspirational people throughout history. We have compiled some fact files to help inspire children with their costumes. You can also check out the Little People, Big Dreams website for even more ideas